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Chakras: Crown Chakra 42 to 49 years & the return 91 to 98 years.

Writer's picture: Julie Turner-AdkinJulie Turner-Adkin

Updated: Oct 31, 2021

How chakras develop in relation to human years.

Crown Chakra number 7 – Colour Violet

Age range of development 42 to 49 years. This is a time where we look at issues in life in a broader perspective. Maybe resolve issues of the brow chakra. Acceptance of life ready to return to the base chakra. A time where we can be reflective. Making our peace with younger years. A great time to feel life is great.

The location is at the top of the head. Purpose of faith in the self. Stage of connection. Emotion of separation if not connected. About our connection to spirituality. When this centre is not functioning, you may have a sense of not knowing who you are. It is linked to the oneness that resonates with the continuous flow of universal love, one with source, one with truth, connected to all souls, joy, peace, freedom, serenity, gratitude, knowing all your past experiences have brought you to this moment of love and acceptance. Created spirituality as an integral part of life.

No back or front – direct link to the Universe.

Governs: Brain, relationship with time, relationship with the divine.

Relates to: Higher thinking, spatial intelligence, music. Needing to be with nature.

Healthy and balanced: Right relationship with time and with the divine. Good grounding.

Being intuitive is amazing but getting there is often a mystery. A belief in the self and the Universe comes when intuition is listened to. It takes practice, a leap of faith and encouragement from other like-minded people. Being in the ‘right’ place helps to brighten the light that shines. Seek the light and the world will follow.

Back to the end .... Chakras.

Return age 91 to 98 Crown Chakra.

A great respect for life.

Being intuitive is amazing but getting there is often a mystery. A belief in the self and the Universe comes when intuition is listened to. It takes practice, a leap of faith and encouragement from other like-minded people. Being in the ‘right’ place helps to brighten the light that shines. Seek the light and the world will follow.

For those fortunate enough to reach this wonderful time in their life with the addition of good health and a sound mind, what a blessing.

Some will have lost many friends and close relatives and the heartfelt hurt and loneliness that comes with loss.

They will be waiting on the other shore to welcome them in when their time is right.

Be blessed with life. Be joy and happiness. Be grateful and humble of your life. Be true to who you are.

Be love.

Affirmation of the Crown:

I am connected to the Divine Source of the Universal light.

I am light.

I trust.

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